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fitness in the corporate life

lets face it! we all have busy days. we all working that extra hard to get that promotion or to save our job.But in the process you sacrifice something internal to you . YOUR FITNESS ,but what if i told you you can get it back with your JOB

Have a large and healthy breakfast

remember when grandma used to say "breakfast like a king" .well, she wasn't joking your breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And skipping it (don't even think about it) it will only adds to your hunger, signalling your brain that you are hungry resulting in consumption of unwanted calories


15-30 mins is more than sufficient for your exercise if you can't do it in the morning do it office gym in your 30 min lunch break in case there is no gym go for a walk.


even when you are coming back from your office ,get off the bus a stop earlier and walk the remaining distance and if you leave in a building take the stairs instead.

have a proper lunch

given that you have not had a proper breakfast your lunch should be proper and full not just some sabzi and roti but with salad and if possible dal.if you can't prepare all this have a healthy lunch service do it for you.

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