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Mental health of college students deteriorating with ways to counter it

Health is the greatest gift any living being can ask for. And, the moment you start ignoring that, life begins to take a tumble. So, there can no age nor stage which prioritise anything else over health.
When we see college students rummaging through books, running to attend classes and giving exams, shuttling between college, coaching centres and home, it seems health does take a backseat for many. This has proved to be an overwhelming scenario for students to be in, with so many things going on simultaneously. This has unfortunately led to a situation of “Severe stress” for students.As per the mental health research conducted by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI):
Students and parents have alarming statistics to be concerned about.
  • Every fourth student suffers from a health issue that can be diagnosed
  • Almost half of them do not seek medical help
  • Most of the students seem overwhelmed by the multitude of tasks and responsibilities
  • Almost half of the student community is anxious, depressed and struggle to find a foothold in their schools and colleges
Depression seems to be a silent killer, when it comes to college students all around the world.
  • Students get perturbed by excess of everything that is going on in their lives
  • Some get depressed about not scoring well in their exams
  • Others are depressed about relationships
  • Depressed about overwhelming parental pressures
  • Depressed about not making it to the final cut off for the placements, and so much more
While depression is a disease which has taken deep roots in today's tough times, there are still chances of nipping it in the bud. College students need to keep their eyes and mind open to identify cases of depression in others and in themselves as well. Some simple signs of depression could be:
  • Being stuck in waves of sadness, hurt, or anger about someone/something
  • Speaking negatively about life and related aspects
  • Staying secluded/ avoiding social interactions
  • Getting caught up in vicious circle of drugs and alcohol
College students need to keep a watchful eye on their friends and colleagues for any obvious signs of depression. Not just this, they must keep asking themselves “if they feel unhappy about anything to the extent that they seek death?’ or, “if they have a family history on depression”.Quite naturally, stress begins to impact college students, for reasons like:
  • Distance from Home: Inability to lead life alone
  • Financial Limitations: Limited finances can lead to social consciousness in the group of friends or can add to curtailed expenses on necessary items
  • Excessive Workload: Excessive assignments, regular tests, project works, and more keep students on their toes. At times, literally gasping for air.
  • Excessive Pressure to Excel: College students feel excessive pressure to excel in their courses.
Some common symptoms include: fatigue, nervousness, diarrhoea, indigestion, heartburn, irritability, lack of concentration, lack of interest in social relationships, etc. While the pointers seem generic, at such a important stage of one’s life, they will create grave concerns.
The fact of the matter is that college life at times, begins to reflect the superfluous societal norms about shining bright in studies and career. While, these aspects are extremely important, in any case, but not at the stake of one’s well being. Rather than considering so many engagements, college students must focus on keeping themselves hale and hearty, at all times. They must understand that to be truly successful and thereupon to be able to enjoy that success, one needs a healthy body and mind.
They can achieve this through:
  1. Engaging in Regular Exercises: Exercising is a great way to tell your body that you are in absolute control. Exercising regularly helps as a stress buster, enhances energy levels, and improves mood by making the person happier. Once, the students are happy, they will feel more in hold of their situations and will be able to take wise decisions.
  2. Engaging in Extracurricular Activities: College students who have hobbies like playing an instrument or playing a sport, stay refreshed and rejuvenated. They reflect creativity and stay socially active.They can get more time for this by getting assignment help.
  3. Food for Good: A nutritious diet is essential for a student’s overall well being. An increased intake of fruits, salads, and proteins will keep them high on energy. At times college students are observed to fall prey to harmful impacts of smoking and drinking. If they are able to limit the aforementioned and exercise well, they will see a drastic change in their health and mood.
  4. Relax and Rest: Our body is a machine that seeks regular breaks. In absence of the same, the wear and tear is going to surpass the output that we desire. So, students must get plenty of rest through complete sleep and meditate to relax their mind and body.
  5. Feeling Positive About Themselves: Having a positive vibe around yourself, will give you the required boost in your feelings.This helps eliminate the negative energies that engulf the mind. You can achieve this by finding more ways that lead to enhanced positivity. For instance, a college student wanting to deal with stress can learn the art of pottery. This will help him/her find new ways of channelizing his/her creative energies.The feeling of being responsible for the creation of something, is sure to take you something that pushes them to positivity.
  6. Engaging in Social Relationships: Do not engulf yourselves in a shell. It is a vicious circle and the way out will be extremely difficult. So, stay engaged and associated with different social groups. Once you share your thoughts, seek help with issues, or help others in some way, you will feel better about yourself!
These are just some of the ways to a better mental state and there could be many other ways that go unnoticed.But the fact of the matter is that a college student is of a very impressionable age. So, it is extremely important that they are well aware of the nuances for leading this stage of their live in a manner that they value their health.


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