pressure is the pressure of the blood in your blood vessels which
is must to keep blood flowing through your body. If we do not have blood pressure, gravity would simply pull
all of our blood to our legs, and it
would stay there only! To overcome this, the heart pumps the blood through your
body, up to the brain, and down to the feet. We measure this pressure as the
heart pumps the blood out (also known as the “top number” or systolic blood
pressure), and the pressure in the arteries as the heart relaxes in between
each beat (the “bottom number” or diastolic blood pressure).
You can feel perfectly well and yet force of blood
pressing against the walls of your arteries can be high enough to cause damage to your life or to other organs .There are some
known key factors which are contributors to increase risk of hypertension :
1. Age
In the majority of cases the most significant
contributor to high blood pressure is age. As with the growing age arteries
stiffen. That means same volume of blood is pushed into smaller area ( with comparison
to earlier time when you were young and there was no stiffening of arteries) therefore
blood pressure may rise. Sixty per cent of people aged 60 or older have high
blood pressure. But age is not the factor.
2. Family history
You are at higher risk if your family have history
of this specially in the blood relations, but genetics is only responsible for
about 30-40 % of the cases of high blood pressure. In some families the effect
is strong, while in others even both parents have high blood pressure but the
offspring have no effect. Here what is worth noting, that families don't just
share genes but also shared lifestyle
habits and those may be the major contributor to high blood pressure.
3. Smoking
The smoking adds to the risk of developing high blood
pressure specially in the older people as they are more vulnerable. Smoking have shown marked increases the risk of heart disease or stroke
for a given level of high blood pressure compared to a non-smoker.
4. Drinking alcohol
Alcohol intake has direct relation with high
blood pressure. It has worst effects on people who drink and smoke .Regular heavy drinking
can also cause substantial rises in blood pressure, which can lead to a stroke.
5. Being overweight or obese
Obesity is one of the major cause for many sickness
so in the case of high blood pressure this
single factor can increase your blood pressure up to 6 per cent. Extra body fat on your tummy and buttocks
carries the greatest risk.
6. Low physical activity
Reduced physical activity and more table work can increase
your blood pressure 3-4 mmHg with comparison to the more Physically active people.
7. Kidney disease
Inflammation and infection (among other things) can
cause kidney disease, and infected kidney’s major cause of high blood pressure.
At the same time high blood pressure can cause kidney problems too
8. Diabetes
High blood pressure is much more common in people
with diabetes (60 per cent of people with type 2 diabetes and 40 per cent of
people with type 1 have high blood pressure).
9. Too much salt in your diet
Sodium chloride (ordinary salt) is the main source
of blood pressure, when sodium in blood increases, blood vessels retain more water to balance the sodium concentration
and his extra water in vessels causes high blood pressure.The recommended maximum salt intake is less than 6
grams a day, but most of us eat more then 6 grams .
By now, you know the major causes , so can work out a plan to avoid blood pressure or to manage it to a level , where you can live a healthy life .
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