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Why Pranayam  plus  Meditation are necessary for office working men and women have a   Medical Science's point of view ?
I will try to explain you in simple words As you know Our heart starts working from the time of the  birth till death nonstop , but you will be surprised to know that ,  every day it pumps approximately 7000 liters of blood, out of which 70% blood is pumped to the brain and the remaining 30%  to the rest of body.
Now the question is how does the heart work so much efficiently and effectively? Heart works so effectively because it follows a discipline. In normal conditions the heart takes 0.3 sec to contract (systole) and 0.5 sec to relax (diastole). So 0.3+0.5=0.8 sec are required by the heart to complete one beat (1 cardiac cycle).That means in 1 min, the heart beats 72 times which is considered as normal heart beat.
During the relaxing phase of 0.5 sec the impure blood travels through the lungs and becomes 100 % pure. In the stressful conditions, the body demands more blood in less time and in this situation the heart reduces the relaxing period from 0.5 sec to 0.4 sec. Thus in this case the heart beats 82 times in 1min and only 80% of blood gets purified.
On more stressful conditions more demand blood hence the relaxing time of heart, is further reduced to 0.3 sec hence only 60% of blood is purified.
Imagine the consequences of the lesser Oxygenated blood circulating in our Arteries! Deep Breathing, my friends, is the key to ensure better Oxygenation of the blood.
Factors responsible for the activity of the brain
  •   25-30% is due to the Diet we consume
  • 70-75% is due to the emotions, attitude, memories and other processes of the brain.
Thus, to calm the brain and reduce the demand of Oxygenation on the heart to pump more and more blood, brain needs to be given a rest.
Meditation is the most useful tool to calm an agitated mind.
When we sit with eyes closed and concentrate on Brow Point ( Agya Chakra ), the brain gets calmer,  heart gets rested,  thus insulating us from the Dis-eases of Heart & Brain.
15 minutes per day is all it takes to practise these. Is it too much for us can’t we give 15 min for our self when we spend 1-2 hours on net or hanging out with friends every day?

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