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Do you know how important liver is ? unfortunately we don't  and what ever small knowledge we have we tend to ignore that,to day we are offering some useful information, if you wish to use this for your good .
The liver is largest  (appx weight is 3 pounds) and is very complex gland which is associated with our digestive system .The lever have left and right sections as seen in pic ,the gallbladder sits under the liver ,along with pancreas and intestines .The liver and these organs work together perform complex regulatory mechanisms .liver performs more then 100 functions they are broadly divided in to seven sub sections .

These two pictures show how liver looks like and shaded portion of pic 2 is  showing stomach, it is right on top of stomach.
The major functions of  liver are categorized as under:-  
  • Filter the blood coming from digestive tract
  • Detoxify chemicals and metabolize drugs
  • Secretes bile that ends up back in the intestines
  • Make proteins important for blood clotting and other various functions.
  • Vitamin Storage 
After knowing how important is liver one should know what all can damage liver :-
  • Infections due to Bacteria,viruses and parasites .
  • Toxin and toxic chemicals
  • Alcoholism.
  • Biliary obstructions like stone formation ect .
  • Decreased blood supply   
In case of liver in problem major or minor the brain, kidney, pancreas and stomach show immediate reactions  in the form of :-
  • Weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Anorexia
  • weight loss
  • Nausea 
  • Vomiting
  • Hypertension  
So how to maintain you liver in healthy condition , here are some tips:-
Say NO to alcohol, its not good in any forms yes limited or not very often drinking should be acceptable ( 60 ml not more then 5 -6 times in a month) 
Maintain body weight , as Obesity in one of the primary reasons for dysfunctional liver, Exercise also help in improving the liver enzymes.
Drink 8-10 glasses of liquid every day and water is the best . it helps liver in detoxifying the body efficiently.
Eat 4-5 type of fruits and vegetables every day , it helps the liver to get right type of fiber along with minerals to work on.  
Probiotics help in normalize the gut balance and flush toxins and ensure better circulation ,so they can be used in natural form not in stored /packed one .  


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