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heart health tips

THE HEART for all is the most important  organ in the human body. what you don't know is that ,according to experts

  1. four people die of heart attack every minute 
  2. 25% of these are under 40
  3. 900 under 30s die of heart disease
so,if you young people think you can throw caution to the wind think again.you might get an early call up from god if you don;t follow these tips:

  • STOP SMOKING:well,i know you know this already.But knowing this won't help ,kicking the habit will .If you don't well, its your life man don't puff it away.
  • GET IN SHAPE: focus on how much you eat and how much you exercise . this can have long time effects on your health as having too much weight can put dangerously high levels of blood pressure on your heart values.
  • HAVE REGULAR SEXUAL INTERCOURSE:well, this can't be too difficult . But it would be better if you do it the safe way.
  • DO SOMETHING CREATIVE:the purpose of this is just to relieve stress. for the crafty lot knitting sewing will do wonders, for every body  else jig saw puzzles, sudoku etc will do.  
  • HAVE A FRESH VEGGIE SNACK: having snacks made of freshly cut veggies with a dash of lemon can really kickstart your metabolism.
  • LET THE MUSIC PLAY: Music does have a lot of rhythmic and relaxing qualities to it , that are good to the heart.
  • LOL: well,not in the social media, but in actual life .As it has qualities both of an exercise and a relaxation therapy.
  • PRACTISING YOGA: making those limbs stretch and becoming flexible will go along way in making your heart healthy.
  • REDUCE SALT INTAKE:Research suggests that reducing your salt intake to half a teaspoon will significantly increase your hearts health . Much salt comes from pre-processed food, restaurant prepared food etc.
  • GET UP AND MOVE IT: Regardless of your body weight not moving can shorten your life . so, take strolling breaks while doing work.
  • KEEP A TAB ON YOUR NUMBERS:keeping a regular check on your blood sugar blood pressure etc would help.
  • HAVE SOME DARK CHOCOLATE:NO kidding dark chocs contain antioxidants that increase your resistance to heart diseases and it positively effects blood clotting.
  • DO YOUR HOUSEHOLD CHORES YOURSELF: NO MORE MAIDS doing your household work yourself increases your hearts readiness for any kind of situation.
  • HAVE A HEALTHY BREAKFAST:the most important meal of the day which should not be skipped.A healthy breakfast includes whole grain cereals,low fat protein ,low fat dairy products and fruit and vegetables.
  • SIP ON GREEN AND BLACK TEAS:sipping on these is not difficult .these fluids can really increase your arterial health.
  • GET A PET: Believe it ,having a pet increases your heart health according to researchers around the world.
  • GET OLIVE OIL: even a tea spoon of olive oil in your diet improves your arterial health.

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