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Dress appropriately

If you are going to spend the day in crowded areas, save the skimpy clothes. True, women in salwar kameezes get harassed as well, but there's no need to call attention to yourself. Carrying a shawl isn't really a solution; rather make sure you have a guy friend with you at all times and a phone handy to call for help.
Eve teasing is one thing we will just not put up with. Is there something else that drives you mad, but you feel you can't do anything about? Well, it's time to make 'Nahi Chalega' your motto! As a modern woman of today, you need to adopt a stronger stance. Here's the perfect platform to voice your opinion on things you refuse to tolerate! Big or small, funny or serious, just get it off your chest.

Be confident
If you are being leered at, never get agitated as it betrays your nervousness and fear. Confidence is the key to throwing potential eve-teasers off your track. Walk purposefully and never let your observation skills slip. You have to train your mind to be calm even if you know you have to put up a fight. Look the eve teaser in the eye; this should unsettle him.

BE alert
It is imperative to always be aware of your surroundings when you are traveling alone, be it day or night. Don’t be plugged into iPods and Mp3 players or on hands-free devices always be aware were you are and in which surrounding , else you are there are chances you walking into danger without even being aware. If you're on the phone, always keep an eye on  suspicious characters if any . Keep the police or close family and friends on speed dial .

Raise the alarm
Most times ignoring passing comments may be the best course of action. But, if the harassment persists, you must Lash out at the harasser and create a scene; allow and take help of passers-by for rescue. Threaten to call the cops and keep your calm till help arrives. It is important to get the support of someone who can take over and handle the situation calmly. Ensure your safety and try to be in a public place to avoid vulnerability of being an easy target for assault.

Maximum time Use public transport

Avoiding poorly lit streets and isolated alleys, an easier way to stay safe is to use public transport like bus ,metro or minicabs. With the share-a-cab option, you can not only save money, but keep safe traveling where women are in the majority. Create a carpool from home to work place or college, if you are in cab /rikshaw  Do not take anything for granted , Make it a habit to take down the license number of the vehicle you are traveling in, in case you need to make a police complaint.

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