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When we say good health , I presume that you are looking for trouble free health that means no BP ,no sugar ,no obesity ,no heart issues and so on , do you think all is possible with the today's  knowledge of medical science  the answer is NO, To achieve all this one need  to observe  following :-
  •           Healthy life style
  •           Regulated daily routine
  •           Good mantel health
  •           Regulated food habits
  •           Balanced social life
  •           Balanced work environment

But life is not a book or machine, which can be written /designed the way you want ,there are so many if and but's in life we should try to reach closer to :-

Healthy life style   this actually means  that all important aspects of  life have been taken care off like 7-8 hours of sleep ,regular work out /yoga , good food habits , 7-8 our of  official work ( which gives u money to live) and trying to be close to nature ,some sunlight , some fresh air and if possible access to natural fresh eatables from garden/ fields and time on social media  .
Regulated daily routine once routine should be so ,so that there is min disturbance that means fixed timings for going to bed and waking up in the morning , regular exercise /yoga/ gym , timely all 3 meals ,some time reserved for socializing /entertainment /time with family /reading /perusing your own hobby.
Good mantel health Very important aspect as, if one is not mentally free his/her out put potential is reduced  many folds , the tension some time is ok if, it is well with in the control otherwise NO. so you have to learn the art to  be as for away as possible from all type of depression.
Regulated food habits  There is nothing bad, if taken in moderate quantity , so all local products to be included in you daily food like local and seasonal fruits ,vegetables and locally available oils /ghee . However reading too much and advertisement driven food often have negative impact on human body . The most important is eat in small quantities more number of time rather then eating once in huge quantity, Remember that breakfast you should be eaten  like a king ,lunch like a common man and diner like a poor men.   
Balanced social life   Human is a social animal ,so he/her  needs to be in a circle, where he can share good and bad things , people love / recognize , seek advise of  him/her ,this is a very good tool to improve mental health  , but socializing has to be limited and not at the cost of health .
Balanced work environment At work place you will have good /bad /moderate people and you have to spend quite a huge time working with them so learn to manage seniors ,juniors and to establish  working relationship with collages , working times should be such that they allow you time and satisfaction of work , if not then ,try to change the work where you are not happy mentally and financially. Remember  ideal situations are only on text so learn to manage and be happy.

If one can follow these rules 6 days a week then he has full liberty to abuse his / her system on 7 day, whether it is wine or junk food or late nights or to full fatty food but on 8 day he has to get back to routine to enjoy good health  

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