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Did you know, that while your toilet bowl is likely to contain bacteria and other germs because we tend to clean these with specialist toilet cleaners in order to remove stains and limescale, they pose little threat to your health. Bacteria on the other hand are more likely to spread to other areas that you touch (e.g. toilet seat, flush handle, bathroom tap) via hands contaminated while you visit the toilet.

For good bathroom hygiene, make sure to take particular attention to the bathroom where germ are commonly available inspite of our sue care .

Surfaces contacted by us number of times in a day
These are Commonly touched surfaces such as the toilet flush, toilet seats, bathroom taps, door knobs and waste bins and get contaminated during normal use of the bathroom. If you have a child , who is just found of water and enjoy  running taps and flushing toilets, the importance of good hygiene is much more. Hence regularly cleaning  and disinfect frequently touched surfaces using an antibacterial cleaner  becomes necessity .

Bathroom cleaning cloths and bathing sponges can harbour germs if they remain damp. Regular decontamination of  re-useable cloths, flannels and sponges with hot wash (greater than 60°C) is must .

Personal Hygiene items
Personal use items such as toothbrushes and nailbrushes do also get contaminated and consequently act as a source of germs. Hence Store these items  in a place where germs are unlikely to reach them and make sure  after every  use  they are rinsed thoroughly under running water and dried   rapidly.

Don’t forget to wash your hands

The hands are one of the major causes of cross contamination and cross infection in the home. Make sure to wash your hands with soap and clean water after every use of  the toilet. Use Liquid Handwash to stay protected from illness causing germs

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