we all know too well that and how you feel when your
stomach is upset or give u trouble few of them are :
· ominous
· massive
· unbearable
· desperate
· unknown
Stomach ailments very common and affecting tens of
millions of us every day. The worst part is women suffer more.
Experts suspect this is because some digestive issues
are associated with hormonal fluctuations. Another theory: Women are more
sensitive than men to foods.
Here, we will talk on most common symptoms and
probable line to set them right with well-researched advice from experts. Here,
common complaints and how to cope up with them :-
How to avoid :- Get
enough fiber and magnesium supplements . Fiber, adds bulk that makes waste
easier to eliminate. Magnesium is Mother Nature's muscle relaxant, so it helps
in everything moving, and also attract water, which hydrates the stool. Rich
dietary sources suggest inclusion of spinach, squash, broccoli, basil and
almonds to your diet.
Tried treatment:- Use
a gentle laxative, but only when it's really needed (that means when you had
constipation for three or more days). As they affect the natural rhythms of the
body, It works by lubricating intestines and making things flow easier or
mineral oil or flaxseed oil can also be tried as both work to naturally
lubricate your intestines—and flaxseed oil has the bonus of also being rich in
fiber. Dose 1 to 3 Tbsp, ideally on an empty stomach before bedtime so they
don't interfere with the absorption of other foods or medications. Follow
it with a full glass of water or juice.
How to avoid :- Limit hard-to-digest foods,
including dairy, artificial sweeteners, and vegetables like beans, broccoli,
onions and cabbage. These veggies contain a natural sugar called
oligosaccharide that's difficult to break down.Also avoid carbonated drinks.
"They're essentially putting tiny air bubbles directly into your
Be sure to limit your salt intake: Salt attracts
moisture, so the more salt we have in our body, the more water we retain.
Tried-treatment: Take
some soda or goso –x or. Both contain an ingredient called simethicone that
helps break up gas bubbles. Then eat something high in fiber, like an apple or
a wholegrain snack. Which will add bulk in your stomach,with plenty of fluids,
helps everything pass through more quickly. These things also help:-
Sipping some green tea
- cranberry
- Sucking
peppermint capsule (available at health food stores) before a meal.
- Puddina
- Exercise
is also key (just be sure not to do it on a full stomach). Moving around
helps excess gas work its way out of your digestive system,
some time both salt and excess fluid that can make you feel puffy and
Prevent it:- Rather
then having three large meals (break fast, lunch and dinner ) have five
small ones to avoid putting excess pressure on your stomach. If you're prone to
heartburn, it's also a good idea to avoid mint, chocolate, caffeine and
alcohol. "Mints are given out by restaurants after meals because they
relax the lower esophagus, making you more likely to burp," says Dr’s. But
in the process, they can cause heartburn by making it easier for acid to move
Also avoid foods that pack a lot of heat as well as
cheeses and heavy meats These high-fat foods can take longer to digest and can
irritate the lining of your stomach. For heartburn-free flavor, recommendations
are basil, cardamom, turmeric, cinnamon and rosemary.
Tried treatment: Use antacid tablets/liquid . The
liquid versions break down acid faster, but the chewable ones (Tums) have more
staying power. For frequent or more severe heartburn, try one of the several
histamine blockers (like Pepcid AC) that are available on medicine shops .
These will reduce stomach acid by turning off the histamines that signal its
Prevent it : If
you're prone to motion sickness, take some thing like soda or medicin like
pudin hara tablets or liquid.
To stop a previous bout of nausea caused by a virus or
morning sickness, stick to cold foods, as heat can make food smell more
pungent. The lingering taste of food can also keep your stomach working hard to
fend off nausea. So use mouthwash if you have then mix of baking soda and water
(1/4 tsp baking soda to 1 cup water).
Tried treatment:- Eat
a little after a regular interval , and stay hydrated. "An empty stomach
can worsen nausea because there will be nothing to absorb in your
stomach other then acid and juices," says The starches in these
foods will help settle your stomach by absorbing stomach acid. A frozen fruits
are also a good pick.
Alternative options:- Try ginger, mint or
something sour. Research has found that ginger and mint are effective for
nausea Acupressure also works. "There's strong medical evidence that it
can be a very effective remedy," says Dr’s. as pressing three pressure
points: one on the inside of the forearm, about 2 inches up the arm above the
wrist crease (this is what antinausea wrist bands stimulate); one on the
webbing between the thumb and index finger, on the back of the hand; and one on
the indentation between the tendons of the second and third toes—for 3 to 5
minutes each.
Prevent it: Go easy on sugar-free foods.
Artificial sweeteners, especially sugar alcohols like mannitol and sorbitol,
can have a adverse effect on some people, especially in large doses. Avoiding
caffeine and minimizing stress also helps, because these can stimulate the
intestines—and the digestive process—to move too fast.
Tried treatment:-
Eat the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, apple sauce and toast) as it is
easy-to-digest foods , take lot of juice and water . Avoid solid , oily and
spicy food.
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