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Some time in our busy life we all have experienced back pain ,but that has taken place we often don’t know as pong as it is not persistent, but if it is ! then we have no or very little knowledge  as why it is there and what should we do ,here are 10 facts about back pain which will make you wiser before you consult your dr.
Fact 1
85% of back pain originates from the muscles and not the bones.
Fact 2
Majority of disc & bone problems are caused due to weak spinal muscles that are unable to bear the body weight.
Fact 3
Painkillers, epidural injections and surgery are temporary solutions with potentially harmful side-effects.
Fact 4
Spine Surgery has one of the lowest success rate in medicine with 40% of cases needing re-surgery within 10 years.
Fact 5
Only 1% of back pain cases need surgery. European directives specify surgical intervention only where nerve involvement has compromised bowel or bladder function.
Fact 6
Spine Function Test (DSA) is the first step to identify back pain. Since MRI & X-Ray are primarily imaging tests, in 85% of cases they do not reveal the cause of back pain.
Fact 7
For people with back pain sitting is as bad as smoking.
Fact 8
Physiotherapy is the only branch of medicine where a disease is treated without drugs and suppressants. A Physiotherapist is a doctor with 5 years of muscular system specialization from a formal medical college.
Fact 9
Conservative non-invasive back pain treatment has been confirmed to be more effective than surgery. It is also safer in the long term as it works on stabilizing the posture and strengthening the muscular system.
Fact 10
Every orthopedic doctor is a surgeon and in any disease the surgeon is not the ideal first point of intervention. It is only in orthopedics, that the first point of intervention is not a physician, but a surgeon.

After knowing few facts now there are 10 tips which may help you in avoiding the back pain:-

1. Use good and semi hard bed not a sagging mattress if you have one. 
2. Avoid reading or watching television while lying down as when you lift your head to view the screen your muscles may contract causing pain in the neck. 
3. Avoid staying in a particular position for long time as it stresses the postural muscles in your body. Hence, one should frequently change positions.
4. Cross your legs- keep changing position of your legs alternately by crossing them one over other , if you are sitting for long time in a particular place, like in a theater or in a long meetings, as it helps move back and hip muscles. 
5. In house Keep items of regular use at easily accessible shelves, as it can help avoid bending and stretching movements. 
6. Avoid putting your wallet in the back pocket as it can result chronic pain.
7. Lifting heavy weights beyond your capability should be avoided. And if it is must  ask for help, wait for help, hire help but don’t try to become Hercules. 
8. Whenever your  have to lift a heavy object, bend with your knees and hips, then it should be brought close to the body, so that leg muscles bear maximum pressure. 
9. Shoveling  mud / loose earth /snow  first have a light  short walk to warm up before beginning to shovel and use smaller blade to limit each load as mud /loose earth /snow are pretty heavy. 
10Women should try to lose weight after pregnancy and strengthen key postural and abdominal muscles, as they are weakened and stretched during the pregnancy. 

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