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Health is something which all of us take it for granted, till we face some problems . To ensure a healthy life one has to take care of body in a overall manner which include physical, mental, and emotional health.  Which can be ensured up to some extent by adopting following: -

    1. Healthy food 
Drink lot of water
Eat fruits and vegetables as much as you can
Eat nuts in controlled quantity 
Prefer white meat over red meat  
Include low fat dairy products to your diet
Reduce intake of junk food

    1. Have Good Life Style
Physical  exercise every day min 25-30 min 
Have fun and be happy
Have min 7-8 hours of sleep
Control alcohol in -  max 1-2 drinks(up to 60ml) in a day that too max 2 times in a week 
Say no to smoking if not possible then reduce it to as less as you can

    1.  Keep activating your mind on day to day basis
Play some mental games like crosswords ,Sudoku or mathematical quiz / reasoning quiz
Try some yoga to  reduce stress
Make and ensure good social interaction
Think out of the box you may not be correct all the time but no harm trying

Ensure some quality time for your self at least one hour in a day

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