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This year diwali and on set of winter has brought the worst ever smog in Delhi -NCR ,every one is worried about himself and the family .The major problem is faced by children's and old people, we have written about how it happens and why we can make our self less effected from such a problem. these are few practical hints which will save you from inhaling less polluted air :-     
Avoid auto rickshaws
The pollution levels are much higher on the road than those off the road, and in auto you in open and in direct contact of polluted air  The alternative are travel in a car/metro/AC buses , with the windows rolled up as there air quality will be much better. 
Keep the kids, and yourself, home from school and work
Last year, the national pollution control authority asked India’s Supreme Court to suspend school on heavy pollution days when foggy weather and extreme cold exists.
That doesn’t mean you should stop working, but yes minimize your outings. 
Don’t go outdoors at night
In general the coldest temperatures (i.e. in the middle of the night) create the highest levels pollution because of inversion, which traps pollutants from cars and factories under a blanket of warm air.
The best time to go out during the winter is when there is a bright sun light, So just don’t  go outdoors at night. (This is not convenient for everyone.).
Take a pollu-cation
If possible ,during worst pollution conditions in cities just move out to smaller places or hill stations for short periods and get freshen up 
Increase the greenery
Plant more and more houseplants which will help in keeping indoor air  a shade cleaner then out side air. The Outdoor trees also help, when their leaves catch big particulate matter and stop them flying towards you. 
Supplements, cleansing tonics, and treatments
There’s everything from “bio-tulsi” tablets, made from dried basil “to counteract the effects of environmental pollution,” to ginger tea, which is believed to stave of colds and sniffles. Again, not entirely supported by science.
Move out

The last , may not be advisable to all , but if possible move out from city to 25-30 KM either side where pollutions levels will be less and quality of air will be much better.

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