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The effects of air pollution are not confined to the atmosphere only .Air pollution containing sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide which are major causes for acid rain and also  pollutes aquatic resources and soils. Air pollution is responsible for a host of other ills including ozone depletion, smog and impaired indoor air quality.
The major causes of air pollution are beyond control of individuals with out the support of the government however awareness on the subject will make us to fight such evils at our level by making more use of public transport and planting more trees and not burring the waste :- 
Power Plants
The thermal power plant burn fossil-fuels for power generation and account for majority of power to the nation's electricity needs. Fossil fuel emissions contain the major greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and fluorinated gases.
Vehicle Emissions
Vehicle emissions are another source of fossil fuel emissions and air pollution. Private transportation accounts for about 8-10  percent of carbon footprint  of the nation .
Industry is a major contributor to air pollution. Industrial processes release pollutants such as nitrous oxide and hydrofluorocarbons into the air. Agricultural practices, livestock rearing and landfills also contribute to atmospheric methane concentrations. The overall effect is an increase in the global warming potential.
Deforestation affects the atmosphere in several ways. Forests act as sinks for carbon dioxide through a process called carbon sequestration. Trees store carbon dioxide in their plant tissue as they take in this gas to undergo food-making. In effect, this action removes carbon dioxide from the air. When forests are burned and destroyed, this storage area for carbon dioxide is removed, increasing the concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide.
You are still at risk of the dangers of smoking even if you are a nonsmoker. It is also generated by burring of dry leaves ,papers and other house holds .Another major area is firm work displays or burring of crackers.
The developing countries have an other issue of constriction of roads buildings and other infrastructure ,there are lot of rules for reducing the dust mixing with air but they are often not followed . 
Natural Processes
Natural processes can contribute to the effects of air pollution. Natural events such as volcanoes and tornadoes can stir up debris and cause widespread air pollution. Natural erosion of rock and soils also releases toxins such as radon into the air. Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer all over the world

The major problems to human health other then the loss of ozone layer , global worming or loss of various species .   Smog ,acid rains ect are as under :-
Lung Cancer
Lung cancer is a disease that may be caused by air pollution. The lung cancer is characterized as the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in one or both lungs. Over time, the abnormal cells can develop into tumors which  effect the primary function of the lungs that is  to supply the blood, with oxygen. The researchers  concludes that urban air pollution boosts lung cancer risk, and that motor vehicle emissions may be particularly problematic.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder or COPD is a disease that may be caused by air pollution. In simple that a person , with COPD, will have loss of shape of airways and air sacs and  they become distended or floppy, hence develop chronic bronchitis and emphysema. The long-term exposure to air pollution especially automobile exhaust boosts chances of lowering the lung function.
Asthma is a disease that may be caused by air pollution from cars, factories or power plants. The following air pollutants are common triggers of asthma like ground level ozone, sulfur dioxide, fine particulate matter and nitrogen oxide. Other important trigger for asthma attacks are environmental or secondhand tobacco smoke. 

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