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Sleep disorders are common now days due to tension, too much of work ,no rest less physical activities and so on . Various studies have shown that, some of these simple tips make your sleep better. There are few of many conditions which helps in making your sleep better, which including bedtime snacks, exercise, room temperature, noise, and light control. 
Good sleep habits– Learn how to improve your sleep environment and stick to a regular schedule , this will improve the quality of sleep.
The sleep environment –Your bedroom is your sanctuary from the stressful day. Use your senses to create the best environment for sleep. Learn the do’s and don’ts your self because every man have different set of do’s for his own sleep. But in general adequate /or no light , comfortable bed, loose sleeping cloths ,  soothing perfumes, light soft music ect. help in a better sleep.
Snacks – Food relates directly to serotonin, a key hormone that—along with Vitamin B6, B12, and folic acid , helps in promoting healthy sleep. While it's important to avoid a big, heavy meal right before bed (a full stomach will disturb your sleep),  however some of them are as under  :-
·    Light whole-wheat-pasta dish with fresh vegetables, a little diced chicken breast, tomato sauce, and a sprinkle of Parmesan for dinner. This meal contains  an amino acid that converts to sleep-promoting serotonin in the body.
·    If your stomach's growling late at night, try a small bowl of cottage cheese with banana slices.
·    Any combos of healthy carbs and protein, such as milk and graham crackers or yogurt sprinkled with cereal, will also do the trick.

Room temperature – If room temperature should be so where your body is comfortable generally it should 2-3 degree plus or minus to the ambient temperature depending on summer or winter .

Worm water bath --  The bath with light worm , may be just 2 degree above the room temperature allows to relax your body ,which in turn helps in sound sleep.

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