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How to Avoiding Conflict

To have cool mind :How to Avoiding Conflict 

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Conflict is some thing which can not avoided yes it can be managed ,to a level where it is not harming any one and do help in better communication. 
According to an article on Forbes.com, 50% of employees said they accomplished less when dealing with an office related conflict, and 46% said they thought about quitting. As leaders, it’s important to look for ways to help reduce tensions in the office. Here are five tips to help you avoid conflict in the workplace.
Understanding your position in the office 
It is important to understand where you stand in office pyramid and try to be in the well crafted  role of yours unless asked by the boss to chip in here and there .
Do your Work with positive attitude 
 you could lighten up the mood in the office  by promoting passion. for work with pleasure and respecting the comments and remarks by the seniors and boss on official mater ,do your work with passion but never get emotionally attached with the work 
Awareness on time line 
Remember boss always want all work to be completed yesterday but you should know what is important and what is urgent ,for example you have to pay cell phone bill as today is last day but you had left your credit card at home and you dont have cash .now here paying bill today is important otherwise cell will be disconnected but to get the credit card back is urgent  
Seek Advice
Seek advice from someone who knows,the subject better then you , Company HR department / senior leadership do have formal training on such matters .  An outside perspective can be beneficial. Regardless of the steps you take to solve a conflict, 
Think  Step Ahead
To avoid conflict from arising altogether,learn how to handling tense/ complex situations in general. and to keep remain calm and cool because anger stops your logical thinking ..Some thim ignore stupid action by your officemate buy explain them at later stage not to repeat those with you. 

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