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How to Get More or better Sleep?

If you are getting less than seven hours of sleep per night? Try some of these practices which may help you to  sleep better and longer:
·         Schedule:  Fix some time and then make an effort to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day including weekends. This will regulate your body's clock .
·         Avoid Frustration: If with all efforts for 15 min, your are not close sleep ,get  up and try somwhuch you love to do then put the lights off , listen to music, and go back to bed
·         Say No to Stimulants: Don’t take Caffeine, chocolate, alckhol  and nicotine min 2 hours before your sleep time as they can make you  awake past your bedtime.
·         Make it Comfy: he place which gives you energy to work next day at the same time keep your smart phone , computers, televisions, and pets away from you .
·         Exercise: The physical activates  during the day can help you fall asleep faster at night. Exercise also promotes deeper, more restful sleep.
·         Relieve Stress: Stress can take a big toll on your sleep. If you find your mind is preoccupied then you can not sleep

·         Do some thing which can make you comfortable and happy this will help in reducing  stress levels, you may find that falling asleep is as easy as closing your eyes.

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