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On of the research shows as how working class that means 20-60 yrs of age , people were showing signs of stress. They were  smoking more, drinking more and abusing them self with more and more substances. But one group was faring relatively well –the people of faith...............

1. People with religious bend of mind were more likely to believe that good triumphs over evil, everything happens for a reason, and love conquers all that is why, they had hope.
2. Health researchers ignored emotions and its positive  beliefs which was proved by number of such people who survived against all odds when medical science closed all doors for them . These events forced scientists to re-examine their understanding of the human mind and body.
3. It id proved that what we think, feel and believe influences on our health – and can even make the difference between life and death. Two of these factors – hope and love. Here are some simple things which may give you better understanding on this

  • People with hope are more optimistic and likely to face a difficult situation as a challenge with positive energy . Simple example is to lose weight. If you are hopeful , losing few kgs may look to you insignificant and not worth the effort. In contrast, a hopeful person will think a positive step in a right direction. In the end, hopeful people have more chance of being successful with losing weight or making similar life changes
  • The researchers also found that people who were hopeless, were  depressed , full of anxious were more likely to have heart attacks and such other problems.

  • Love gives you positive energy to work hard or do better may be in work , to shape up as better person , take more responsibility or so on .
  • Love is the best for health. Health researchers have found that people in stable, positive marriages had the lowest rates of depression. Happy marriages can even influence how long you live. Married men had a 250 per cent lower mortality rate than unmarried men the same age, and married women had a 50 per cent lower mortality rate.
  • Being isolated and unconnected  with family ,friends and well-wishers increases risk of dying at an early age. Living without relationships is as harmful to health as high cholesterol or smoking.

Family health
  •  In a close net family you share hope and love every day, As you live by faith, which will be tangibly demonstrated on your looking beyond the  present circumstances attitude , knowing things will ultimately work out for greater good. This gives to positivism in life .
  • You keep expressing or receiving  love every day by what you and family members do and say. We need each other, in our families and in the body of Christ. God himself declared, “It is not good for the man to be alone”