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The Facts About Diabetes and Blood Sugar

As the American Diabetes Association (ADA) explains it, type 2 diabetes occurs when your body needs sugar (glucose) for fuel, and  your body is not able to supply that , for which there is a complicated process that makes it possible for body to use that sugar.  Insulin, which is made by the pancreas, is the hormone that enables the cells in your body to take advantage of sugar.

Type 2 diabetes occurs when your body is not able to remove sugar from your blood to be used for other purpose . This can happen when body stops being sensitive to insulin or bodies response is abnormal  to changes in your blood sugar. The increased blood sugar level which we say diabetes is when reading is more then  126 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) for a fasting blood test and more then 200 mg/dL at any time during the day.

Other then the bad effects  of  diabetes itself, unchecked  high blood sugar gradually damages the blood vessels in your body. Which have bad effect in long term on your nerves system

"Having low blood sugar can lead to hypoglycemia, which puts people at risk for confusion and loss of consciousness, so it can be life threatening. Fluctuations in the opposite direction, high blood sugar, can cause fatigue and dehydration," where as  "Good diabetes control can help reduce the risks for heart attacks, strokes, visual deficits, kidney disease, and peripheral artery disease.”

How to Stabilize Blood Sugar

Getting your blood sugar to healthy levels may take trial and error as each body is different and her response is also different , but there are tips which have worked in past to achieve it.

“Having a daily routine is very important for good diabetes control,". "That means following your meal plan, exercising regularly, being consistent with blood sugar testing, and following it up regularly with your doctor." Tracking carbohydrates is particularly important. “Big variations in carbohydrate intake from day to day can lead to fluctuations in blood sugars,”


  • Exercise. A regular exercise program has been shown good results  in management of  blood sugar levels over time, and taking a varied approach to fitness is even better  for diabetes and health in general. An hour of workout  three times a week ,may be dance , aerobic , running , hard yog  any other activities you enjoy.
  • Weight loss. If you are overweight, weight reduction will help you in stabilization of  blood sugar more effectively when lose even a few pounds  May be  5 or 10 can make a difference in diabetes control with out medication if not then there is a need for medication
  • Diet. Many achieve better control over their blood sugar by limiting the kinds of foods that can cause blood sugar . For example, cutting back on carbohydrates and eating more lean protein, fruits, and vegetables. Fiber can help stabilize it.
  • Drinking wisely. Alcohol can cause an immediate rise in blood sugar and then drop in , few hours later. It’s best to stick to moderate amounts and have some solid food with your beverage.
  • Medications. medications is must however one should know which medicine and why hence you must be crystal clear on medicine, you are going to take . Treatment options include following but please consult your doctor before starting any medicine or change in medicine

    • Biguanide. This type of medication helps your body use insulin more effectively and may also reduce the amount of blood sugar made by the liver.
    • Sulfonylurea. Drugs in this class cause certain cells in your pancreas to make more insulin. However, low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) is a possible side effect.
    • Meglitinide. This is another drug that causes your pancreas to make more insulin, with hypoglycemia as a possible side effect.
    • Thiazolidinediones. This class of medication may help insulin work better.
    • Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors. These drugs stop the body from breaking down starches and may be used to prevent a spike in blood sugar after a meal.
    • DPP-4 inhibitors. These medications allow GLP-1, a gut-based hormone naturally found in the body, to last longer and help stabilize blood sugar levels.
    • SGLT2 inhibitors. These medications cause excess glucose to be eliminated in the urine.
    • Insulin. Taking supplemental insulin may be necessary to help your body use blood sugar more effectively.

  • Asking more questions. Do not be shy about asking your doctor or diabetes educator about how to interpret blood sugar numbers or for clearer instructions to help stabilize blood sugar. “You should know what your medications are for and what your goals are”

we are not qualified on medicine hence if you take nay medicine with consulting doctor , we are not responsible for  any after effects 

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