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1. Communication you need to talk to each other and also show that you care for her/him. Same time  you must do some futuristic planning too. Most important aspect is to understand each other by listening to them.
2. Don’t keep any incident as permanent learn to forgive even if there is issue which has hurt you badly. In Indian shastra also it is written that “shama ke bada koi punya nahi”
3. Understand your spouse.  Try to meet his /her requirement before your over a period of time you will ind same response from opposite side with more concern .
4. Never use negative words the same thing can be conveyed in positive manner ,which will take you bit closure to her /him ,Instead of pointing out mistakes , start to look for the positive suggestions and some  heartfelt appreciation, this will work like magic  
5. The famous saying is we all know all mother love their kids but good and bed mothers are distinguished by then expression by the mother ,who tell more number of time that she loves her kids  so ,Never stop saying, "I love you."  The words "I love you" never gets old like a GOLD ring.

6. Enjoy together as  "A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones."  Its not your time or my time never say I don’t have to waist talking to you or to take you for movie or holiday 

1 comment:

  1. why not give such thing in a note form more ppl will read
