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sunday ho ya monday roj kao andaya (whether it is sunday or monday have an egg everyday ) was the saying of an popular egg awareness program. this saying takes considerable  significance in these winter months .here some of the many benefits

highly filling,make you lose weight: eggs rank high on the "fullness" index , a survey showed people tend to consume less calories after consumption of eggs

reduces risk of many life threatening diseases : increases good cholesterol and decrease bad cholesterol reducing risk of stroke,heart attacks and many more.

Nutritious : They are most nutritious  food in the world .They are almost the perfect food containing abit of every nutrient we need.

makes you brainy:choline is the nutrient which helps the brain develop in the foetus. this nutrient is all most available nowhere else

makes your skin radiant & glowing: Because of there natural goodness and presence of vitamin a,b,c etc and many minerals.eggs help your skin become more radiant  

good for pregnant women: if you are pregnant you need to have this.As this has all the nutrients your unborn child needs.

so, have them boiled, scrambled,fried .The best way is to have them boiled.But you should be having it

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