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organic food benefits

Did you know that the food that you eat pesticides all over it.Even if you wash it,the pesticide residue already inside the food still remains .here are some benefits and minuses of organic food


More energy :it gives you 1000 times more energy than regular food as it is pure food without the effects of pesticide residue.this will help in keeping you feeling energitic throughout the day.

Tastes better : I don't know if you have tasted a regular food v/s organic food.organic one tastes much better .Again due to the high pesticide content in regular food which dulls the taste of food.

suited to a healthy life style & provides more nutrition :if you want to live healthy life style you have got to go organic ,the purest form of food to have


expensive : organic food may have all the goodness in the world but is 6-8 times more expensive than normal ,but it has a lot of benefits as well.

hence,it can be said that organic food 3:1 . so to lead a healthy lifestyle try to have a organic component  in your diet like  having something organic in your breakfast from time to time.

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