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marathon running:benefits

many people today are prone to  heart related problems ,weight problems etc . for all of them running long distances can do a lot of good for their health.Some of these health benefits are:

cardiovascular:when you run such long distances the heart has to to pump highly oxygen rich blood in each corner of your body.this will increase the oxygen carrying capacity of your blood and keep your blood pressure in check

weight loss:marathon running causes your body to use all types of fat for energy. Even the hard to reach and burn type.

keeps cholesterol in check :Running actually converts LDL (bad) cholesterol to HDL (good) cholesterol.hence LDL does't cling to your arteries.

mental health: running long distances improves your mental health because you need to concentrate a lot to run for that long.Also, as it reduces the amount of cortisol,the stress hormone  and increases the amount of "feel good" hormones secreted by the body .

before you head out for a run running long is serious. so, run for some 5ks and 10ks leading to a half marathon before even trying for a full marathon.

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