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pre-workout:eat this

The body is like an engine literally. So, when you exercise on a empty stomach its like trying to run your car engine without fuel.Now how crazy is that !

Your body will go through with the workout but in the process give out chemicals that will make your body extra-hungary to compensate for the fats burned.hence this way you are back to square one .here are some foods that you could take before a workout

granola bar: Made out oats,honey and dry fruits makes a great snack to fuel your workout

fruits: giving your fruit treat is beneficial as fruits are a natural snack e.g banana etc.fresh fruits would be better than frozen kind.

nuts: Nothing can provide you with a better source of instant energy then nuts

sugar: though it  is said to be bad for you ,its not bad to have a sugar spike before your  workout (don't do this if you are a diabetes patient)

 Having something before a workout is the best way forward .This fuels the body  but remember this should be taken in a small quantity which can be digested instantly.

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